He is standing in front of theirgarage as she
drove into the car port ,he comes
towards her and opens the drivers door .She steps out ,and he puts his arms
around her ‘’enjoy your drive Love .he asked ‘’how far did you go ‘’’’Oh there
and back ,just to see how far it was ‘’she answered with a smile ,he seems
satisfied with her answer and said to her ‘’I”M glad you enjoyed your drive
Love ,l’ts go into the lounge room ,and have a nice cuppa tea ,I’ve bought the biscuits you’re keen on.
They entered the lounge room ,a huge room ,with
a selection of very miss matched furniture inherited from both grand parents
.In a corner of the room stood a large decorated xmas tree ,next to that Sandra
could see a large object covered with a large sheet.She walks to the sheet and
rips It off .and then lets off a gasp ‘’’’Oh my golly gosh !’’ she cries out ‘’
It is a piano ,her husband comes towards her and ‘’says ‘’Merry Xmas ,my
beautiful wife ,how about a little sing a long She ‘sat for awhile letting her fingers glide
over the ivory keys ,she had learned to play the piano in her younger days by
the local nuns,Shestarted to play out a few tunes ,It felt good to be playing
again ,the children gathered around her ,she turned to her family and said ‘’I”going
to play ‘jinglebells ‘’,then I”ll play ‘’Silent night,That night ,Sandrathanked
Godforihi s goodness , sheknew
,there would be hard ship ahead ,but if the family were okay , and Charles andher were to-gther they would whether any
She jumped out of bed ,raced to the kitchen to find the children all eating their breakfast ,her husband Trevor smiled at her ‘’ good Morning ‘my precious , did you enjoy your sleep –in ? ‘’Yes ! replied Brenda ,but you should have woken me,as the children have to catchtheschool bus ,;and I have to get their lunches ready f’or them , ‘’HOLD your HoRSES .MY Lady ‘’every thing is in hand Ruth has made the lunches and I”ve cooked their breakfast ,Brenda was dumfounded ‘’ what a family she had ,she felt so blessed, life was good
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